Monday, November 5, 2012

Mercury Spazing Out!

It is bad enough that Mercury is going retrograde on the 7th but holy smokes, it is causing havoc for about a week and a half.  In the sign of Sagittarius it is like on e of those spinning fireworks that  fly around the ground in no predictable direction.  Phones go out, cars electrical systems go wacky and Mercury (the spoken or written word is so mangled) it comes out every which way but how you mean it.

Now take all this chaos and add it to the National and Local Elections, there will be nothing but  mishaps and calamities regarding the election.  The candidates will be accused of all kinds of things and the voting will be crazy. Don't be surprised at reports of voting machines going down and electricity going out while voting.    I just hope everyone practices patience (not a Sagittarius trait) because it is going to be a long night.  Don;t be surprised that the media get it wrong  or blunders election reporting.

On a personal note, life is hectic and things will get  all tangled up, this however will open the way to re sort out the mess and perhaps find the easy and fun way to put things back together.

Sagittarius actually and Gemini usually work well under retrogrades because of their spontaneity and they will be working on relationship matters.  Pisces and Virgo's will have difficulty with the non orderly way of things and Pisces will have trouble keeping up with the timing of things.  Leo's and Aquarius will find life giving them a second chance on travel and training and expanding there horizons.  Aries and Libra's will find romance matters will be able to be resolved. Taurus and Scorpios also will work on being diplomatic and more subtle and less stubborn about change.  Capricorn and Cancer will have to wing it, they both hate spontaneity and last minute decisions, Cancer's hate to let go and it is all about change and letting go.

I my self feel we should all stay at home, collect vacation pay for three weeks and watch as the world goes a little wacky, a little wine, a little music and lots of movies and friends.

Happy retrograde.

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