Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Temper Temper

The Moon and Mars are together in Scorpio making a square to Venus in Leo.  Talk about a shifting of the tectonic plates, (earthquake) is a mild term.  So much energy, very sexual in nature, attraction and detraction, power struggles with two huge ego's like two bulls fighting over the same cow!

You really have to be careful, all the things you want to say or think, and you say to yourself in your mind, (those mean, hateful or nasty thoughts we sometimes have) may blurt out before you know it.

Great time for creative and artistic endeavors, reading traveling and getting out of the house or the office and enjoying nature.  When you see how there is a place for all species in nature to exist, your perspective changes and you feel better, probably because the planets have moved on.

It is not all bad, there are very passionate encounters, friendly competitive events with a great sense of personal power and control. (as long as you win)

In two weeks all this will pass and we will all be sitting on our butts thinking about what we have to do and never moving off the couch.

Think before you act or speak.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dark of the MOON!

The week prior to the NEW MOON (9/15/12 and 10:10 PM EDT) is the Dark of the moon, it is like the abyss, you loose things forget things and find yourself going around in circles.

It usually means your brain is on overload and you are anxious over what is going on that you have no control over.  Lets face it with Mercury, Sun and Moon in Virgo we will all be nagging, stressing and worrying over crap we can't figure out or control.  the hardest of these aspects is when you realize that what we feel is important may not be what others feel is important. 

Saturn is making its last sweep in Libra by October it will be in Scorpio, let them learn the lessons and the Libra's can take a rest.

Life is a fruit salad, you have the sweetness, the crunch, the nuts and sometimes the seeds but it is better than the alternative!

Law of Abundance Sat 9/15/12  10:10 PM EDT

Virgo rising Jane

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nag O Mania!

Right now there is a frenzy of events making us look at the state of our country.  We can't turn on the Cartoon network without some political  campaigning!  Yes we are dissecting and analyzing things to death.  We are crunching numbers and funny how we can make the numbers work for either side.

The point!   Stand up, check out the facts and get your butt out and campaign for whom you think will make us a better country.  We have had a band aide on for far too long and while the Big banks, Credit card companies, Insurance companies..not to mention the mortgage companies have had a hey day and been bailed out, you and I are paying the price.  Bail Us Out, give us 700 billion dollars and I bet we would at least spend that money and stimulate the economy.

I think it is time to take off the band aide and look at the source of our woes and fix it.

There is no middle class anymore, just those that have and those that have to choose FOOD or FUEL..

With the New Moon in Virgo it makes all of us squint our eyes to see clearly and question all things in print, this is good, now take the knowledge, sort out the facts and truths and make an informed decision.

We have two months to get it right or we are stuck for another 4 years!

Get out and vote, make a difference, fight for this country again!

OK, you see I am Virgo rising, nag nag nag!