Monday, April 30, 2012

Don't be a Crab!

The next time you run into a sour puss, a negative person, someone complaining, give them a big smile and say "you look fabulous, done something new?" Then get out of sight before they know what hit them.

Life is a gift; it comes with challenges, joy and wonderment. Find the joy, start each day and each week with hope in your heart.

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing right now, stop for 15 seconds, take a deep breath and savor this tiny moment in time.

Have a great week!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Everyone gives Mondays a bad rep!  It is a great way to start fresh each week, from now on it is Magic Mondays, see what you can stir up to make the week fly by.  Just ignore the idiots on the highway and on the end of the customer service lines.

I think a Scorpio invented the automated response lines for our favorite customer service calls.  They are masochistic and love puzzles.  Did you ever notice them make you hit numbers until you have to start all over again.  That is Scorpionic, clever, perverse and just nutty!

Love you Scorpio, passionate and sexy! 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kindness and Love!

New Moon is in Taurus, settle down, be patient.  Say "Please" and "Thank you" for all that you have.  Be loving and kind to all around, it brings out the best in people.  Take stock of the love in your life, if you need more, give more, if you have it share it.  Love yourself, start there and others will join you.  Those things you can and want to change do so,  at a pace that will make the change last.  Those things you can't and don't want to change Accept as part of the make-up in your life.

Forgiveness is mandatory, reconciliation is not.

Every Day find one thing that makes you smile or laugh out loud!

I believe that there are guide post in the stars and I can help you read them and take advantage of any situation.

Have Faith!